For a review copy or to
schedule an interview, please contact:
Debbie Buttar
Fax: 704-992-2271
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the medical treatment of children suffering from Cancer or
General African Elephant Facts
Common name: |
Savanna Elephant |
Genus: |
Loxodonta |
Species: |
Africana |
The African Elephant is the largest living land mammal.
Average life Span of an elephant is 60-70 years.
African elephants weigh up to 10,000 pounds and grow to
12 feet tall.
Average gestation period is around 20-22 months and the
calf weighs 200 pounds and is 3 feet tall.
The African elephants ears are over 2 times as large as
the Asian elephants ears and are different shaped. They
are often described as looking like the outline of
Africa on a map.
Elephants tusks are actually elongated incisors.
The elephants muscular trunk is able to reach as high as
23 feet but also is delicate enough to pick up small
objects like fruit or berries.
Elephants are social animals that usually have outgoing
Their family groups consist of an older matriarch
(female head of a family) and 3 or 4 female offspring,
joined by their babies. They can be seen caressing a
companion or their babies with their trunks.
At maturity, the male elephants leave the herd and join
bachelor herds
*There are many organizations that protect elephants
from the risk of poachers, who slaughter them just for
their tusks. These organizations also attempt to protect
elephants who survive in areas in which humans are
infringing on their home land.* **
*Please take time to research for yourself and consider
making donations to organizations that protect elephants
and animals. They are such beautiful creatures and we
need to all do our part to help give them a safe place
to inhabit. *
To see some amazing video of rescued elephants painting self portraits, CLICK HERE
General Llama Facts
Common name: |
Llama |
Genus: |
Lama |
Species: |
Lama glama, Lama guanicoe |
Llamas are members of the camelid, or camel family.
Camelids first appeared on the Central Plains of North America about 40
million years ago. About 3 million years ago llamasŐ ancestors migrated
to South America.
They were domesticated in Peru by Indians over 5000 years ago making
them among the oldest domesticated animals in the world. They were used as
pack animals.
Llamas can carry 25-30% of their own body weight for a distance of approx
10 miles. (400 pound llama can carry approximately 100 pounds).
Llamas live to be approximately 20 years old.
Llamas are vegetarians.
Llamas prefer to live with other llamas or herd animals.
Llamas do not bite. They spit when agitated but mostly at each other.
They also spit to determine who is in charge in the group off llamas.
The female will spit at the male if she does not want to breed with him.
If properly raised, llamas will not spit at people.
Female llamas reach puberty somewhere around 12 months but the males do
not become mature until approximately 3 years.
Llamas gestation period is anywhere from 10 1/2 months to 13 months.
Average- 345 days and rarely have twins.
Birth of the baby llama is usually less than 30 minutes. Llamas give
birth standing up and usually in warmer, daylight hours.
At birth, a baby llama, called a cria, can weigh 20 pound to 30 pounds.
Within the first hour of birth, baby llamas stand up and are walking and
attempting to nurse with their mother.
Famale mothers nuzzle and hum to their newborns instead of licking their
babies. The motherŐs tongue does not read outside their mouth more than
a half inch.
The height of a full grown llama is between 5.5 feet to 6 feet tall at
the top of the head.
Adult Llamas weigh approximately 280 pounds to 450 pounds.
Llamas are being used as guard animals for herds of sheep, goats, and
other livestock in North America. They have been shown to be aggressive
toward wild dogs and coyotes.
Llamas have banana shaped ears. They will lay their ears back when agitated.
Llamas communicate with hum like sounds, ear & tail movement and body posture.
To alert the herd to danger, they may make a shrill alarm sound.
Llamas have a two toed foot. Because of this, they are very agile and sure